Last Second Holiday Gifts?

I’ve been asked by a delinquent holiday gift-giver: “Hey, Janine. What are some books you’ve re-read a zillion times? I’m thinking of putting together a bundle.” Well, it was something like that. I don’t remember the exact quote. At first I hesitated to answer because my “often re-read” list is a bizarre mish-mash. Let’s just…

New Ebook Available – A Tale of Mistaken Identity

Remember how I’ve been working on that mistaken identity story? The one with the shapeshifting cats in space? Well These Convergent Stars is now available! (Exclusively on until January, when it opens up on other platforms.) Today, 28 October 2013, this sweet little book is going on tour! There are excerpts, photos, and even…

Beautiful Cover for These Convergent Stars

I just got my final cover for the upcoming novella These Convergent Stars. Look at those cat eyes! The playful expression! The geodesic domes! It’s so pretty! That is all.

Tentative Release Date for These Convergent Stars

If you’re following my Kickstarter, you already know: The tentative release date for These Convergent Stars is October 22, 2013. That’s, like, eleven days from now. But, Janine, you don’t even have a finalized cover yet. True. I have total faith in my artist, though, and we’ve been back and forth about tweaks to her…

Faking It

LARPing is a freeing experience. Though, the one time I did it, I’m pretty sure I did it wrong. I was with a group of friends at GenCon (Anaheim), a gaming convention, and they were on their nth year playing a 7th Sea LARP. For those of you as clueless as I was, that stands…

Mistaken Identities… with Shapeshifting Cats

I mentioned in my last post that I’d written a new novella. This post is not about that novella. It’s about another one. With shapeshifting cats in space. With the sequel to Queen & Commander off on its very first round of edits, I have time to wrap up shorter projects. So I’m cleaning up…

Novel: Drafted!

I try not to make promises. Because I always fulfill them. Obligations rattle around in my ribcage and bounce off the bones. Foolishly, I committed to finishing a novel in six weeks. Not just any novel: the sequel to Queen & Commander. The pressure to make it good (since the original won an award), the…

Interview: 11 Questions for Joshua Viola, IPPY Gold Medalist

Since winning the silver IPPY for best SF/F/H ebook, I’ve gotten to know the other two medalists in my category. The three of us have been chatting (and put together the awesome giveaway I’ve linked at the bottom of this post). We’ve been learning about each other, and this has led to some fun interview…

Interview: 11 Questions for Abigail Owen, IPPY Bronze Medalist

Since winning the silver IPPY for best SF/F/H ebook, I’ve gotten to know the other two medalists in my category. The three of us have been chatting (and put together the awesome giveaway I’ve linked at the bottom of this post). We’ve been learning about each other, and this has led to some fun interview…

Guest Post / Interview: 10 questions from Josh Viola, IPPY gold medalist

Since winning the silver IPPY for best SF/F/H ebook, I’ve gotten to know the other two medalists in my category. The three of us have been chatting (and put together the awesome giveaway I’ve linked at the bottom of this post). We’ve been learning about each other, and this has led to some fun interview…

Janine A. Southard is a Writer & Editor for narrative projects. She's a proven talent when it comes to mimicking voices and crafting content for videogames, articles, & fiction.