Have you ever been to a book launch party? Well, I’ve never held one, but since I’ve got this lovely new book that just came out, I thought now would be the time to try.
Here are the details:
Who: You! And also me… the award-winning, Seattle-based author of this excessively-geeky, Seattle-based book.
What: The Cracked! A Magic iPhone Story launch party. An evening in which you will have the chance to partake of Seattle-centric trivia, hear ridiculous anecdotes, and get your books signed. (I really only plan to sign Cracked!, but I suppose I could also do your fave title…)
When: February 6, 2015. 8-10 pm.
Where: Wayward Coffeehouse. 6417 Roosevelt Way NE. Seattle, WA.
Why: New book! You can win prizes, have fun, and meet other people (or ignore them).
Other goodness: The print edition of this book is scheduled for release on Feb 2, just a few days before the party, so I’ll have plenty of them on hand. (You can already pick up an ebook wherever you usually like.)