Everyone’s making awesome book quote thingies these days, so I made a few for Hive & Heist.
Feel free to share them, or to make your own.

Tiresias took a ledger / That I bought dirt cheap. / Aeschylus, a mirror / But Terrence, a SHEEP! – from The Odyssey (“Penelope’s Lament”) as performed by The Cleopatra’s Palace Brothel in HIVE & HEIST.

“I protect those who Devote their lives to me. I call on the stars to witness.” – Queen-Commander Rhiannon in HIVE & HEIST.

“When it comes to American Star Rangers,” she said. “You only need one.” – Ranger M3L-15-A in HIVE & HEIST.
Note: I’ve been holding off on telling you all it’s available until it’s in all the major stores, but you can currently pick up a copy on this website or on Amazon.com.