I swear, I’ve written plenty since my last update. Here’s the current standing.
Goals: 4 short stories. Begin novel outline.
Progress: 3 short stories. Novel outline started. (The A-plot is giving me trouble with this novel outline. I thought it was going to be a sheep stealing caper, but now I’m pretty sure it’s on a space station. Space stations don’t tend to have dueling sheep ranches, even when I write them.)
Time remaining: approx 2 weeks
And now for something about story #3 —

The Blackfriar, a pub in London, used to be a friary. Now it’s an art deco pub with amazing ceilings.
Janine, why have you put in this super-neat picture of a pub ceiling in London? Well, that would be the inspiration for story #3. Which I sold the day after I wrote it. But the important part is: I really like ceilings.
Tell me more about the Write-a-thon —
You can sponsor me, y’know. I don’t mind. I’ll probably even give sponsors something fun. Like story excerpts. Or more pictures of fun ceilings. (Scottish Rite Temple, in Oakland, where I used to ballroom dance, has a great one. Yet more art deco.)